Is College Worth It? I must say No to anything outside of the sciences and social service. The College has become a WASTE of TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY because most curriculums are outdated.
College costs are so high that most graduates need ten years or more to pay their Student Loans. And besides, you cannot go Bankrupt on Student Loans.
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After four years of getting a degree, most starting positions pay minimum wage. The American Dream of a home of your own will have to wait quite a few years.
School Tuition has gone up drastically and will continue to do so. This is causing student loan debt to make education unaffordable for most students without mortgaging their future for many years, keeping them living in poverty conditions in the meantime.
With the constant technological advances, colleges must catch up in their curriculums because many college courses are for the mid-20th century business model. Not to what we have today. Also, the business courses in College teach with the idea that all business majors will work for an International Corporation. And how those International Corporations function. Unfortunately, most Graduates will work for small local companies or start a small business. And there needs to be more informational studies on operating a small business. What a waste of time, energy, and money.
Is College Worth It?
OK… here are the facts:
Most students start College without knowing what field they want to study. High schools must prepare students to understand how to look, handle money, and understand finance. That means the student is in debt before learning in their chosen field. Another problem is that most of the College Professors have a great deal of book learning. But have never actually worked at what they are teaching.
Many people decide they want a Medical career. Let’s look at the cost because they must first get a degree in medicine. That is four years of study—two for Nursing. They have two more years working in a hospital before getting a medical license and six more years for a specialty. That is why most Doctors start with student debts of over $200,000 before earning any livable wage.
In the mid-1960s, I read an article about one of NASA’s highest-paid employees. He had a 6th-grade education. His job is to take what the Scientists came up with and figure out how to make it work.
45% of all students demonstrate no significant improvement in learning” over the first two years of College. Nearly 40 percent knew nothing over all four years.
College is not making People Smarter.
Many Students Need to Learn How to Study. And 35 % reported less than 5 hours a week in study time.
But they spend twice that time shopping, eating, and partying.
Most College Grads fall below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as calculating the costs of food in a Grocery Store). When I worked in a Convenience Store, many high school graduates and College students would come in. At the register, they would hand me their money, but they didn’t know how to count out how much change they had coming back.
College Grads in the US test at or less than High School kids in several other Countries.
And with $Billions in taxpayer dollars being given to these Institutions? What is the return?
During WWII, the government recognized that America had few engineers. Because of that shortage, free sets of study books in mathematics and engineering were distributed to factory, foundry, and shipyard workers. These workers had to pass a series of tests at the end of their studies. When workers passed all those tests, they were awarded a University Degree by the United States Congress. More than 100,000 workers became Engineers and made America solid and productive.