Redneck Lipstick BBQ Sauce

redneck lipstick bbq sauce

Redneck Lipstick BBQ Sauce comes out of the South and is taking over the Bar Bee Ques of the nation. If you like sweet and hot, you will enjoy this fabulous flavor on any meat. And I am told that it is also very good on everything including spaghetti.

When we think of BBQ sauce we think mainly of ribs. Baby Back Ribs are the most popular at the backyard scene and when the weather is bad, can be cooked in the oven.

Preparing Baby Back Ribs for the Perfect BBQ!

But the first is to pick ribs that have a goodly amount of meat. Because it is that meat that you will eventually be eating. Now, on the back side of the rack is a white membrane that should be removed by pulling. It will come off fairly easily with a bit of a pull. Ten throw that membrane away. After all no one likes something that is hard to bite through. and adds nothing to the flavor of the meat.

The next thing to do is to take the Redneck Lipstick Sauce Seasoning and sprinkle a goodly amount on the back side of those ribs. With you hand rub that seasoning in good. Next turn the meat over and season the top side of those ribs. Don’t be stingy. Really cover those ribs. Besides, it is the seasoning that you will be cooking into the meat that brings out the flavor of the meat.

this next part is very important. You put the ribs in a pan and cover it with foil. You might add a little of sweet apple juice to the pan to add a little flavor to the meat and help the seasoning in marinating the meat. Or just rap the ribs in foil. Stick the ribs in the refrigerator for least two to four hours or over night. Because you want all that seasoning to soak into the meat, tenderizing and adding flavor.

The Days Arrived. Time to BBQ those Ribs!

Finally it is the day of the Bar-Bee-Que. You set up your BBQ. Here is were things are a little different depending on what type of BBQ you have. Some use a gas BBQ. Others prefer a smoker, briquettes or you may prefer a good wood fire. But the important part is that you want to slow cook that meat. Around 300 degrees F. face down for about two hours. Then turn those ribs over face up and un-covered. Spray or brush on the Redneck Lipstick BBQ Sauce covering that rack not once but twice and let it cook for another hour or two.

With a meat thermometer check the meat between the ribs to make sure it has reached at least 145 degree f. and transfer to your cutting board. Let the meat rest for a few minute before cutting those ribs apart. The ribs will be tender and tasty. And you can serve the best darn ribs you have ever tasted!

With Redneck Lipstick BBQ you have two choices as to which to use. There is the regular with its sweet and slight hot taste, or if you like it hot, Redneck Lipstick BBQ Sauce had a really hot one. The choice is up to you. Either way you will have the best tasting ribs or other meat including chicken, sweet potatoes and what ever else you like.

Redneck style is going to the foodies! Time to fire up the old BBQ and grill and see what this sauce will do to your taste buds! A sauce that will keep your lips smacking as you reach for more Baby Back Ribs.

Redneck Styles are Back in Style

redneck lipstick bbq sauce

You need to try it with almost any kind of meat because you will be smacking your lips soon after.

Imagine slowly smoking a rack of ribs to perfection. You have seasoned them with the best of the best seasonings and they are now ready for the BBQ sauce. You also have family visiting from the south and you want to do it just right. Do you grab the sauce you bought at the grocery store? Oh, no no no, that just isn’t good enough. Do you have time to make your own? Probably not, let’s just say you are lucky the ribs are doing as well as they are right now. Instead, you bring out this southern certified, smoky, sweet and spicy BBQ sauce you bought online (yes, right here). Your family is making fun of the name. But trust me on this, when they taste those ribs, they will be smacking their lips wanting more!

What is Redneck Style?

The term Redneck originally comes from a time period in the USA back in the 1800’s, however nowadays people think of The Robertson Family from Duck Dynasty. You know the neckerchiefs, long beards, mirror-sunglasses, truck driving guys who sometimes do quirky actions no one else would dream of doing elsewhere…and they are in the deep south. Okay to be honest, my oldest son highly resembles that given he is currently in Alabama and moved there from South Carolina. But you know what, it fits him completely and he is going to LOVE this BBQ Sauce. As will the rest of our family who are spread out across the country. You can raise a kid in Minnesota, and he can still turn into a redneck. Just saying.

BBQ That!

Ever been on a picnic or a gathering and everyone is piling their food on a plate and at the very end is BBQ ribs or chicken, or perhaps pulled pork. You have options to add more BBQ sauce to it, from mild to bold and flavorful. Or you know that Aunt Jane has homemade BBQ meatballs in the crockpot and you are budging in line just to snag at least one of them and you make sure to take extra sauce.

They will be diving in and smothering everything on their plates with this sauce, from fish to fries! Every kind of meat and potatoes can be covered and it will be amazing as they say “BBQ That!”, just as a way to try it. Forget the ketchup and mustard, even the mayo on burgers and BBQ That! This is one style that isn’t going to be a fad. Redneck style gets a renovation with this BBQ sauce! What others temporarily raise their eyebrows to on having BBQ sauce on, they will convert quickly with a taste of this sauce and start doing their own “BBQ That!”.

Secret Seasonings for Redneck Lipstick

One of a barbeque chef’s greatest assets when smoking and grilling meat is the seasonings, the dry rub. We do not just have BBQ sauce Redneck Style, but we also have some savory, smoky sweet and spicy smooth seasonings perfectly blending to enhance everything. Just imagine it on popcorn, as well as the dry rub on a rack of ribs or as a secret ingredient in your favorite dip! Veggies taste great with ranch dip, but they will be even yummier with this seasoning blend. What are you waiting for?

Southern Belles turn their Style to Redneck Lipstick

We all have Granny or Momma cooking in the kitchen all day. They are the proper ladies who always wear an apron while cooking and dress to the nines at dinner time. Make their day easier with a gift of some of this sauce and match it with our Fine Wines! You know Momma & Granny deserve the best of everything! And cutting down on them mixing and simmering the BBQ sauce all day may just make you their favorite, till the next time.

What do you do with Chicken nuggets? BBQ! That is the same for Turkey Legs, even sweet potato fries! BBQ That! People are even using the BBQ sauce on Spaghetti because it tastes fantastic! Buy now!

redneck lipstick bbq sauce

Redneck Style That You Can BBQ: Seriously smoky, sweet, savory and spicy all in one! All the lips around your table will be smacking with this new find. The newest condiment will replace all the others in your refrigerator. Be sure to come see our newest Foodie must have here at Redneck Style That You Can BBQ!

With all that fun eating BBQ we often find that a few pounds stick with us. We have a way that you can lose those extra pounds while you sleep. Go Here to learn more.

Author: VIPElite

Posted On: September 24, 2021 @ 9:47 pm